Tera Analysis Ltd. is an international company established in 1999 with headquarters in Svendborg, Denmark. Its primary activity is the development and distribution of its FEA software, QuickField. Tera Analysis maintains an office in Canada to take care of North and South American customers, and collaborates with resellers in many European and Asian countries.
QuickField is a powerful yet ultimately user-friendly tool for electromagnetic, heat transfer, and stress analysis. The software runs on Windows platforms.
Products based on C3D Toolkit:
Tera Analysis Ltd. releases QuickField 6.4 based on C3D Labs’ geometric kernel and converters. C3D Modeler handles storage and processing of geometric data, while C3D Converter imports 3D CAD geometry in STEP format.
MoreTera Analysis chooses C3D Toolkit to improve the 3D modeling in its QuickField simulation software.
The company licenses three modules of C3D Toolkit: C3D Modeler for geometric modeling, C3D Converter for data exchange, and C3D Vision for the rendering engine. The components from C3D Labs replace the open-source Open Cascade development platform previously used by Tera Analysis.