For Developers - C3D Toolkit

As software developers ourselves we tend to provide the best possible support and training materials for you to achieve your goals faster and deliver better products to your customers.

Getting Started

Getting Started

Complete a series of video tutorials and training courses to learn the basics of programming with geometric modeling kernel and jump-start the development of your software using C3D Toolkit.

Learn more
Developer Manual

Developer Manual

Check the developer manual to get a brief overview of C3D Toolkit functionality. This document is intended for new users and those who are choosing a geometric modeling kernel for their software.

Documentation on Native Components of C3D Toolkit

Documentation on Native Components of C3D Toolkit

Understand the details with full technical documentation of C3D Toolkit elements, including geometric modeling kernel, constraint solver, visualization and model import/export.

Documentation on C3D Web Vision

Documentation on C3D Web Vision

Read the technical documentation on Web Vision "Viewer API" module.



What’s New in C3D Toolkit

06/12/2024 [rev 118020]
The class MbWrapValues has been added in order to set parameters for wrap/unwrap curves and points algorithm. The API of the class MbCurvesWrappingParams has been modified. Now it is necessary to use constructors with MbWrapValues in order to set input parameters of the operation. These constructors differ in dependence of the operation type: wrap or unwrap.
Now, it is impossible to execute wrap algorithm (error rt_PrepareError is returned) with using any deprecated constructor. To call this operation, it is necessary to use new API.
18/11/2024 [rev 118018]
Added offset wireframe builder (cr_offset_wireframe.h), and parameters of this operation MbOffsetWireFrameParams (op_wireframe_parameter.h).
Added function for creating offset wireframe CreateOffsetWireFrame (action_wireframe.h).
01/11/2024 [rev 118017]
Use the function MedianShell() (action_shell.h) to obtain the median shell for two groups of non-offset faces of the same shell (still under development).
Adjacent faces in each group should be at least G1 continuous.
The result of the operation for two groups of faces is a shell constructed as an approximation of points equidistant from the input groups of faces.
The following fields for the construction of median shell by two groups of faces were added to the operation parameters MedianShellValues:
- input faces mode inputMode clarifies how the specified face pairs are interpreted - as pairs of offset faces or as two groups of faces;
- flag detectPairs - try to detect pairs of offset faces in two groups of faces specified;
- pair of flags groupsInvNormals - each flag from pair indicates inversion of normals for the corresponding group of faces specified.
Constructor by two groups of faces was added to create MbMedianShellParams.
The maximum metric deviation of the median shell created for two groups of faces can be obtained through the method GetTolerance() of class MbMedianShellResults.
18/10/2024 [rev 118015]
A closedness flag for surface fitting was added in the MbSurfaceFitToGridParameters class (used for extruded surfaces).
15/10/2024 [rev 118015]
Added TriangulateFacet function for triangulating a given facet (polymesh_topo.h).

Supported Platforms

C3D Toolkit: Modeler, Solver, Converter, B-Shaper

OS Architecture Compiler Character set
FreeBSD 12.2 x64 CLANG 10.0.1 Unicode, Multi-Byte
Ubuntu 18.04 x64 gcc 7.5 Unicode, Multi-Byte
Ubuntu 22.04 x64, arm64
gcc 11.3.0 Unicode, Multi-Byte
Scientific 7.2 x64 gcc 8.3.0 Unicode, Multi-Byte
Windows 10 x86, x64 MS Visual C/C++ 2015 - 2022 Unicode, Multi-Byte
MacOS 11.3 x64, arm64 CLANG Unicode
IOS 14.5 arm64
CLANG Unicode
Debian 9 x64 gcc 7.2 Unicode, Multi-Byte
Astra Linux Common Edition
gcc 7.2
Unicode, Multi-Byte

C3D Toolkit: Vision

OS Architecture Compiler Character set
Ubuntu 18.04 x64 gcc 7.2 Unicode
Ubuntu 22.04 x64 gcc 11.3.0 Unicode
Windows 10 x86, x64 MS Visual C/C++ 2015 - 2019 Unicode, Multi-Byte

.Net binding (.Net Framerwork 4.52 and above)

  Architecture Character set
NetC3D (C3D Toolkit : kernel .Net binding) x86, x64 Unicode
NetC3dToolkit (C3D Toolkit .Net binding) x86, x64 Unicode