C3D Converter

Import and export models and attributes into and from your applications.

C3D Converter reads and saves 3D models in CAD-neutral formats. It handles geometry, authoring info, part names and IDs, and PMI (product and manufacturing information).

C3D Converter is eminently configurable, such as in controlling automatic stitching of surfaces into shells, and filtering entities by type. Refer to the documentation for all settings currently implemented.

A built-in debug functions allow to prepare and send back problematic data to C3D Labs confidentially for analysis and further improvement of the converter; your files are not shared with anyone.

C3D Converter supports memory operations in those cases when reading and saving CAD-neutral formats would incur performance issues.

For better performance, our STEP and Parasolid converters employ multithreading.

Ten Formats Supported

C3D Converter supports ten formats to export and import geometry, without extra fees. The choice of exchange format depends on factors such as the specific of model representation in different formats and demands by end-users. We provide an application area for each format to offer the most appropriate solution for model exchange.

Ten Formats Supported

File Import Plugins

We also support plugins, which are a fast and efficient way to import 3D models not supported directly by C3D Converter.

File Import Plugins

C3D Converter Capabilities

Format Import Export Additional
STEP (AP203, AP214 и AP242)
IGES 5.3
Parasolid (X_T, X_B)
VRML 2.0
NX v2017-2021
SolidWorks v2015-2023

Other C3D Toolkit Modules
