Alexander Lonin, Team Lead of polygonal modeling, Ph.D., presents an overview of the polygonal mesh topology operations, enhancements, new functionality, and plans for further polygonal modeling capability development. Most geometric algorithms need more input data than just a mesh defined as a set...
Among the new 3D applications that appeared during the past year is Pilot-BIM from ASCON. The program automatically generates summaries of information stored in models of buildings and structures, and then organizes the teamwork -- all through a shared data environment. Pilot-BIM uses two components...
C3D Labs is pleased to announce the release of C3D Toolkit 2020, a major update to its software development kit (SDK) used by developers of engineering software. The emphasis in this release is on advanced surface modeling, along with significant enhancements to all five modules in the toolkit: ...
Boundary representation (b-rep) is the primary method of representing modeled objects in most geometric kernels, including the C3D Modeler kernel fr om C3D Labs. The core algorithms that edit models, such as applying fillet operations, performing cutting operations, and obtaining flat projections...
C3D Labs today announced the release of C3D Toolkit 2019, now the most complete solution for bringing together 3D modeling, parametrics, interoperability, visualization, and mesh conversion for developing advanced applications in CAD, CAE, CAM, EDA, and BIM. With the addition of the brand-new C3D...
C3D Labs announced today that its brand-new C3D B-Shaper module is now available. C3D B-Shaper lets AEC/BIM/CAE/MCAD developers work with polygonal mesh models by converting them to b-rep (boundary representation) bodies. Based on C3D Labs own algorithms, C3D B-Shaper makes polygonal models accessible...