Posts by tag "C3D Solver"

nanoCAD Plus Enhanced With C3D Modeler, Solver, Converter 04.08.2016 nanoCAD Plus Enhanced With C3D Modeler, Solver, Converter

Moscow, Russia: August 4, 2016 – C3D Labs, a subsidiary of ASCON Group, is pleased to announce that Nanosoft has licensed its C3D components for the nanoCAD Plus platform. As one of the leading Russian CAD software developers, Nanosoft will use the C3D Modeler, C3D Solver, and C3D Converter components...

C3D Labs Upgrades Software Development Toolkit for 2016 05.04.2016 C3D Labs Upgrades Software Development Toolkit for 2016

C3D Labs is pleased to announce that it has updated the portfolio of components for engineering software development. In version 2016, a brand-new C3D Visualization module joins the C3D Geometric kernel, C3D Parametric kernel, and C3D Conversion module. Also new is the ability of customers to...

C3D Labs Introduces V16 of C3D Geometric Kernel 27.01.2015 C3D Labs Introduces V16 of C3D Geometric Kernel

Moscow, Russia: January 27, 2015 – C3D Labs is pleased to introduce C3D V16, the latest update of its professional toolset for developing engineering software. V16 extends the capabilities of C3D for creating sophisticated geometric shapes, matures its 2D/3D design functions, and adds powerful features...

New Technology Basis of Updated CAD/CAM Products 29.10.2014 New Technology Basis of Updated CAD/CAM Products

C3D Labs is pleased to introduce today three new design programs from customers of its С3D geometric modeling kernel. New releases from NTP Truboprovod and Center GeoS are benefiting from advanced visualization, higher accuracy, and faster construction speed, while LEDAS has unveiled new technology...

C3D Labs Releases V15 of Its Geometric Kernel 13.02.2014 C3D Labs Releases V15 of Its Geometric Kernel

C3D Labs (ASCON Group) is pleased to announce a newest release of its geometric modeling kernel, C3D. The company worked with customers over the last year on improving V15, and so the new version offers developers over fifty new functions, methods, and algorithms, as well as enriched documentation,...

GeoS Center Licenses C3D Solver from C3D Labs 15.01.2014 GeoS Center Licenses C3D Solver from C3D Labs

C3D Labs (ASCON Group) is pleased to announce that GeoS Center has licensed its C3D Solver geometric constraint manager, which is part of the C3D geometric modeling kernel. GeoS Center is a well-known Russian developer of geometry software and integrated solutions for design automation. ...

ASCON Releases C3D Kernel for  the CAD Component Market 04.05.2012 ASCON Releases C3D Kernel for the CAD Component Market

ASCON Group, developer and integrator of professional CAD/AEC/PLM solutions, announced today that it is making public its proprietary geometry kernel C3D as the foundation for creating computer-aided design systems and applications. The kernel is also well suited for designing computer-aided engineering...
