GMPT (China) has purchased a license for C3D Toolkit to advance its SinoRay solution. C3D Toolkit is a software development kit (SDK) for geometric modeling. It builds, edits, renders, and converts geometric models.
SinoRay is an optical simulation software package for optical systems and components design. The solution from GMPT is mission-critical in optoelectronics R&D, and photonic system/visual panel/optical film integration in the EDA/TCAD domain.
With the extensive expertise of С3D Lab’s math software engineers, SinoRay will expand its 3D modeling capabilities and make a quantum leap. Today, C3D Toolkit is sufficient to implement virtually every feature GMPT is going to add. The collaboration will adapt the C3D Modeler and C3D Vision modules to optics simulation requirements. It includes curve/surface modeling, model attributes, and rendering of large assemblies.

Oleg Zykov, CEO, C3D Labs:
“This year, Chinese businesses are expressing strong interest in the C3D Toolkit components. Many local CAD vendors want to accelerate time-to-market and expand the capabilities of their software products. The C3D kernel meets most of their requirements, while C3D Labs offers quick and convenient tech support to our Chinese partners”.
About GMPT
General Mathematical-Physics Technology Co., Ltd. (China) studies basic math and physics algorithms. The GMPT products are multiphysical and mathematical simulation software, statistical analysis tools for research, etc. The company has extensive experience in optics, electromagnetism, condensed matter physics, semiconductors, mechanics, thermal physics, hydrodynamics, and chemistry. The GMPT product range includes the SinoTCAD solution for the simulation of semiconductor processing technologies; the SinoRay geometric optics analysis tool; the SinoWave wave optics analysis tool, EMC simulation, and IC package design software.
Rocky Yang, CEO, GMPT:
“We launched the software development project just three months ago. SinoRay has not been released yet. Right now, we are working on three products: SinoTCAD, SinoRay, and SinoWave. We’ve opted for C3D Toolkit to build SinoRay and SinoWave, which are still in the making. We are looking forward to using the C3D Labs solutions in SinoTCAD as well”.